About Grenx

Years ago when we started the ‘green tea’ journey we simply wanted to (1) perfect the Green Tea HP™ experience and (2) continue to please our customers with a more perfect taste, a more perfect price, and a more perfect way to enjoy the beverage while on the go.
Little did we know that thousands of these happy customers would return repeatedly to let us know that they had been sharing their newly found Green Tea HP™ drink with family, friends and fellow employees. As a result of these experiences, they began to request a more trouble-free way to purchase in bulk and the possibility of being compensated for their sharing of the product with others.
At first we just continued on our journey of building our core business. However, as time went by the response to expand outside of our core business had grown to such an overwhelming pitch, we decided to take action. So, we put our heads together and came up with a way for you to distribute Green Tea HP™.
There is no better way to start your business than with Green Tea HP™ – market tested with the right price, the right taste and the right way to distribute.
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  • customerservice@greenteahp.com