Well, there isn't one, except that like I said, we aren't a marketing company and we are more than just a product, we are really a paradigm shift, a way of living that is focused on living well. And by living well I mean living a healthy, productive and generous life. The foundation of this is your physical health, but it's just the beginning and a part of a larger culture of wanting to make positive change in our own lives, the lives of the people we care about, and the communities...even the world...we live in. So these stories are things that interest us or inspire us to make these changes and continue to be positive, productive people.
I mean really what's the point of what we put in our bodies? It should be healthy fuel to help us live healthy physical, emotional, social, and mental lives. I don't mean to oversimplify, but only to really break it down to some core actions and outcomes. If we asked ourselves how we can live until we are 100 and never get sick and keep all our loved ones safe and healthy and change the world each morning, not many of us would get out of bed because it feels overwhelming. But if you say, hey, what can I do today, right now ,to take care of myself, and who can I help in some small way today, just today, then you do it and because you've done it today, you feel motivated to do it tomorrow.
And who knows, we may or may not arrive at the destination we've envisioned for ourselves, but to say you did your best to take care of yourself and the people you care about and world you live in everyday feels pretty damned rewarding. So that's why I say that at grënx we really aren't consciously building a company so much as keeping good company. And again, it's because we are more than a company, we are an attitude and an atmosphere.
To me, going to work doesn't feel like a job at an office. It feels like a wonderful dinner party or social gathering with friends and family where the good things in life are shared and funny, moving, motivating stories are told. Put simply, grënx is a culture of sharing our personal experience to benefit others. It's more than what we do, it's just who we are.